The Sajica T Bar Cichlid, scientifically known as Amatitlania Cryptoheros Sajica, is a captivating fish native to Central America, specifically found in regions spanning from Guatemala to Panama. Often referred to as the T-Bar Cichlid, this species inhabits rivers and streams characterized by gravelly substrate and moderate to strong currents.
In the aquarium, the Sajica T Bar Cichlid requires a spacious tank, preferably at least 3 feet long for a single pair. Larger tanks, around 5 feet or more, are recommended for multiple specimens or if housing with other fish species. Providing plenty of hiding places among driftwood, rocky caves, and flower pots laid on their side is essential for their well-being. While they may appreciate plants, it's advisable to choose sturdy species like Java Fern or Anubias tied onto wood, as rooted plants may be uprooted.
Filtration should be efficient, with areas of moderate water movement and quieter resting spots out of the current. While T-Bar Cichlids are considered mildly aggressive, they may become more territorial, especially during breeding. It's best to maintain them as a compatible pair, and tankmates should be chosen carefully, ensuring the tank is spacious enough to accommodate potential breeding aggression.
Compatible tankmates may include shoaling fishes like Buenos Aires Tetras and Swordtails, as well as other cichlid species of similar size and temperament. Medium-sized catfish such as Doradids and Loricariids can also make suitable companions.
- Species: Amatitlania Cryptoheros Sajica
- Common Name: Sajica T Bar Cichlid
- Origin: Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama)
- Diet: Omnivores
- pH Range: 6.5 – 7.5
- Temperature: Tropical 22°C – 28°C
- Breed Type: Egg Layer
- Max Size: Approximately 15cm
- Sex: Un-sexed