Amapa Red Back Angel
Species: Pterophyllum scalare
Common Name: Amapa Red Back Angel, Red Shoulder Angel
Origin: South AmericaAppearance:
- The Amapa Red Back Angel has an olive-green body adorned with bold jet-black stripes. Its most striking feature is the rusty orange coloration that runs from the head to the dorsal fin, giving it a distinct appearance similar to the sought-after altum angelfish.
- Max Length: Approximately 15 cm
- Max Height: Approximately 20 cm
- Amapa Red Back Angels are generally peaceful, making them a great choice for community tanks. However, they can become territorial, especially during breeding. They are best kept in pairs or small shoals.
Tank Setup:
- Minimum Tank Size: 100 liters
- Substrate: Sand or gravel
- Décor: Well-planted aquarium with branching driftwood and rocks
- Lighting: Most active during the day when lights are on
Tank Compatibility:
Usually Compatible:
- Cardinal tetras, gouramis, corydoras, other angelfish, dwarf cichlids (like rams), and large peaceful cichlids (such as Uaru or Severums).
Sometimes Compatible:
- Neon tetras, Maculatus rasboras, semi-aggressive cichlids (like firemouths or convicts).
Rarely Compatible:
- Large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars, and Jaguar cichlids.
- Amapa Red Back Angels are omnivorous and easy to feed. They will accept a variety of aquarium foods, including pellets and flakes. A balanced diet with good protein and green content is recommended. Feeding should be done once a day, preferably when the lights are on.
Special Notes:
- These angelfish thrive in a peaceful community tank and can add a striking visual contrast to a well-planted aquarium. They may eat small fish fry and shrimp, so care should be taken when selecting tank mates.
Amapa Angelfish
AU$30.00 Regular Price
AU$27.00Sale Price
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