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The Fairy Cichlid Neolamprologus brichardi (previously Lamprologus brichardi) was one of the first African cichlids imported for the aquarium hobby. This is a hardy cichlid with an enchanting, wispy appearance. Its light creamy body is adorned with a lyre shaped tail and fins tipped in white with long flowing filaments. A school of these beautiful fish makes an elegant display for both the novice and long time cichlid keeper.

This cichlid is moderately easy to care for as long it has the proper sized aquarium and the right tank mates. They it will adapt to a wide range of water conditions and will eat a wide variety of aquarium foods. This cichlid has a very pleasing coloration and is not shy about swimming out in the open. But they do like an aquarium with lots of rock formations creating caves for retreating. A sandy substrate is best because though they are not avid diggers, they may dig out spawning territories around decor. Plants are not essential but if you should include them they won’t harm them.

Though these cichlids spend a good deal of their time spawning, they are a secretive shelter spawner. You may not even know they have spawned until you see small fry darting about. A pair will spawn again and again. The older fry will help protect the younger ones, thus various ages of fry will be present in the same tank. This is an example of “stepped breeding”.


  • Species – Neolamprologus brichardi
  • Common Name – Princess Cichlid, Fairy Cichlid, Brichardi
  • Origin – Lake Tanganyika in Africa
  • Diet – Carnivore
  • PH Range – 7.8 – 9
  • Temperature – Tropical 26°c – 27°c
  • Breed Type – Egg Layer
  • Current Size – approximately 4cm (Grows to approximately 12cm)
  • Sex – Un-sexed

Princess Cichlid

AU$28.00 Regular Price
AU$25.20Sale Price
Only 4 left in stock
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