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Long Nose Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma barbatum)


A Unique and Graceful Bottom-Dweller

The Long Nose Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma barbatum) is a striking freshwater fish, admired for its elongated body, delicate fins, and peaceful nature. Its slender appearance and bottom-dwelling behavior make it a fascinating addition to well-maintained aquariums. These fish are excellent algae grazers, helping to keep the tank clean while adding a unique aesthetic to the environment.


Caring for the Long Nose Whiptail Catfish

This species thrives in aquariums of at least 100 liters, with fine sand or smooth gravel substrates to protect their delicate undersides. They prefer a well-oxygenated tank with moderate water flow, plenty of driftwood, and shaded hiding places. Maintain water temperatures between 22°C and 28°C, with a pH range of 6.0–7.5. Weekly water changes and efficient filtration help ensure a stable environment.


Ideal Tank Mates

The Long Nose Whiptail Catfish is peaceful and does well in community aquariums. Good tank mates include small tetras, rasboras, peaceful cichlids, and other non-aggressive bottom dwellers like Corydoras or Otocinclus. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive or fin-nipping species.


Feeding the Long Nose Whiptail Catfish

These omnivorous catfish primarily graze on algae but should be supplemented with high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach. They also appreciate occasional protein-rich foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp. Providing a varied diet ensures they remain healthy and active.


Breeding Long Nose Whiptail Catfish

Breeding this species requires stable water conditions and a well-structured environment. Males guard eggs laid on smooth surfaces like driftwood or tank glass. After hatching, the fry feed on biofilm and require powdered fry food or finely crushed algae wafers for proper development.



How big do Long Nose Whiptail Catfish grow?
They reach up to 15–20 cm in length, requiring ample space to thrive.

Are they aggressive?
No, they are peaceful and do well in community tanks with non-aggressive species.

What do they eat?
They graze on algae and benefit from a diet of algae wafers, sinking pellets, vegetables, and occasional protein-rich foods.

Are they suitable for beginners?
They require stable water conditions and a well-maintained tank, making them better suited for intermediate aquarists.

What tank setup do they need?
A spacious, well-oxygenated tank with soft substrates, driftwood, and shaded hiding spots.


Species Overview

  • Species: Sturisoma barbatum
  • Common Name: Long Nose Whiptail Catfish
  • Origin: South America
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • pH Range: 6.0–7.5
  • Temperature: 22°C–28°C
  • Max Size: Up to 20 cm
  • Tank Size: Minimum 100 liters

Long Nose Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma Barbatum)

AU$80.00 Regular Price
AU$72.00Sale Price
Only 2 left in stock
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