Leopard Danio
The Leopard Danio (Danio rerio) is a color variation of the Zebra Danio, found in the lower reaches of streams, canals, ditches, and ponds across Asia, from Pakistan to India and as far as Myanmar. Known for its resilience and high energy, the Leopard Danio is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
Care & Habitat
Tank Size: Minimum 60 liters
Behavior: Active, schooling fish; prefers top and middle water levels
Water Conditions: Adaptable, requires good filtration and a covered tank to prevent jumping
Temperature: 18°C – 24°C (Tropical)
pH Range: 6.5 – 7
Diet: Omnivorous
Preferred Food: Floating foods, frozen bloodworms, live blackworms
Feeding Frequency: Several times a day (3-minute portions) or once daily (5-minute portion)
Breed Type: Egg Layer
Breeding Behavior: Schooling species that spawn in well-maintained aquariums with open water or water currents
Species Overview
Species: Danio rerio
Common Name: Leopard Danio
Origin: Asia (Pakistan to India, Myanmar)
Current Size: ~3.5 cm (Can grow up to ~6 cm)
Sex: Un-sexed